
Home of all content for 'wiremoons.com'

About the wiremoons.com Site

My web site is hosted on GitHub and has a redirect from my main domain name www.wiremoons.com.

The site content is managed using default Jekyll provided by GitHub, with version control through Git locally as needed when adding posts. The theme being used for the sites ‘look’ is one of the GitHub Supported themes called Slate.

If you want to report a problem with one of the web pages, or you just want to leave me a message or comment, you are welcome use the GitHub form here: Open Issue.

In case you were wondering - ‘wiremoons’ is an anagram for Simon Rowe - which is my name.

My Other Internet Sites

www.wiremoons.comThis site for general content
FlickrMy Flickr account for photographs
TumblrOther blog and more casual photos (not used much!)
GitHubMy projects and development code on GitHub
Twitter@wiremoons (not used)